How Marketers Are Using Social Media

- Marketers place high value on social media: A significant 90% of marketers indicate that social media is important for their business.

- Measurement and integration are top areas marketers want to master: Onethird of all social media marketers want to know how to monitor and measure the return on investment (ROI) of social media and integrate their social media activities.

- Social media marketing takes a lot of time: The majority of marketers (58%) are using social media for 6 hours or more each week, and more than a third (34%) invest 11 or more hours weekly.

- Video marketing on the rise: A significant 77% of marketers plan on increasing their use of YouTube and video marketing, making it the top area marketers will invest in for 2011.

- Marketers seek to learn more about Facebook and blogging: 70% of marketers want to learn more about Facebook and 69% want to learn more about blogging.

- The top benefits of social media marketing: The number-one advantage of social media marketing (by a long shot) is generating more business exposure, as indicated by 88% of marketers. Increased traffic (72%) and improved search rankings (62%) were also major advantages.

- The top social media tools: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and blogs were the top four social media tools used by marketers, in that order. Facebook has eclipsed Twitter to take the top spot since our 2010 study.
- Social media outsourcing underutilized: Only 28% of businesses are outsourcing some portion of their social media marketing.

You can find more interesting findings on the report the can be downloaded from here

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This new infographic from may be helpful for you to pass along to your boss and help explain the value of the various social media platforms out there.

What do you think of the infographic? Any platforms or tools you don’t see on here that you would include?

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Why planners and creatives should become best friends

Very useful presentation about why planners and creative should become best friends. They are complementary and this presentation ilustrate very well with videos and nice graphics. Enjoy!

View more presentations from Boondoggle

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Statistics Poetry


by Wislawa Szymborska
(translated from the Polish by Joanna Trzeciak)

Out of every hundred people,
those who always know better:

Unsure of every step:
almost all the rest.

Ready to help,
if it doesn't take long:

Always good,
because they cannot be otherwise:
four -- well, maybe five.

Able to admire without envy:

Led to error
by youth (which passes):
sixty, plus or minus.

Those not to be messed with:

Living in constant fear
of someone or something:

Capable of happiness:
twenty-some-odd at most.

Harmless alone,
turning savage in crowds:
more than half, for sure.

when forced by circumstances:
it's better not to know,
not even approximately.

Wise in hindsight:
not many more
than wise in foresight.

Getting nothing out of life except things:
(though I would like to be wrong).

Balled up in pain
and without a flashlight in the dark:
eighty-three, sooner or later.

Those who are just:
quite a few, thirty-five.

But if it takes effort to understand:

Worthy of empathy:

one hundred out of one hundred --
a figure that has never varied yet.

Wislawa Szymborska won the 1996 Nobel Prize for literature. Her most recent book in English is View With a Grain of Sand (1995). She lives in Krakow, Poland.

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Bilantul Responsabilitatii Sociale pe 2010

Prietenul Dragos mi-a adus in atentie posibilitatea de a pune umarul la imbunatatirea impactului pe care il are implicarea companiilor din Romania in domeniul social.
Asa ca voi raspunde chestionarului de pe Responsabilitate Sociala.

1. Care sunt primele 3 companii pe care le apreciezi cel mai mult pentru cum s-au implicat in societate in 2010 si de ce?
Cum de curand sunt preocupat de dezvoltarea comunitatilor, prin implicarea mea in fondarea Fundatiei Comunitare Iasi, apreciez foarte mult acest gen de abordari.
Imi vine in minte BRD, prin sustinerea proiectului YouthBank. Programul YouthBank incurajeaza responsabilizarea tinerilor, initiativa civica si contribuie la dezvoltarea comportamentului filantropic al acestora. Un poiect minunat, implementat de ARC si de fundatiile comunitare acolo unde ele exista, cu un impact exceptional!

O alta companie pe care o apreciez pentru felul in care se implica in comunitate este Provident. Ei au finantat si au implemantat, alaturi de parteneri locali, proiectul "Fiecare parc are povestea lui", unde au amenajat un parc sau un loc de joaca, la propunerea comunitatii locale.

Un alt treilea exemplu drag mie este Vodafone, alaturi de Habitat for Humanity, care a construit locuinte protejate pentru tinerii cu dizabilitai. Fundatia Vodafone susţinut integral proiectul, atât financiar, cît şi cu echipe de voluntari care au lucrat pe şantier timp de 2 săptămâni. E important de menţionaz că fundaţia Vodafone alocă fiecărui angajat 2 zile de voluntariat (plătite), pe care acesta le poate folosi în beneficiul comunităţii în care trăieşte.

2. In ce masura marile companii au raspuns in 2010 asteptarilor tale in privinta implicarii in societate?
In mare masura sunt multumit de implicare companiilor in societate, desi este loc de mai mult. Mult mai mult! Mi-as dori o mai mare implicare la nivel local, in dezvoltarea comunitatilor, in promovarea spiritului filantropic in mediul corporatist. De asemenea, companiile locale pot face mult mai mult, mai ales ca ele sunt mai aproape de problemele comunitatii.

3. Ce asteptari ai de la companii in privinta responsabilitatii sociale pentru 2011?
Cum spuneam si mai sus, mi-as dori o mai mare atentie catre dezvoltarea comunitatii. Odata cu dezvoltarea fundatiilor comunitare la nivel national (sunt deja 5 si se vor mai infiinta in scurt timp altele 3), companiile pot sa-si creeze cu ajutorul fundatiilor comunitare, fonduri numite, care sa poarte numele companiei, cu ajutorul carora pot finanta proiecte venite din comunitate sau pot desemna ele ariile de interventie, cu conditia sa aiba relevanta comunitara.

4.Ce esti dispus sa faci pentru a le stimula pe companii sa fie mai responsabile in 2011?
Deja o fac, prin implicare mea in miscare de dezvoltare a fundatiilor comunitare din Romania si prin implicarea directa in infiintarea celei din Iasi. Pot pune la dispozitie expertiza dobanditata in furnizarea de servicii profesioniste in filantropie, astfel incat impactul contributiei companiilor sa fie transparent si relevant.
Voi sustine orice implicare in dezvoltare comunitara, prin aducerea la cunostinta publicului larg proiectele finantate de companii. In plus, pun la dispozitie timp si resurse pentru ca finantarile sa aiba efectul scontat atat pentru beneficiari cat si pentru donatori.

Voi ce parerea aveti? Credeti ca mediul de afaceri se implica de ajuns in societate? Ce cauze ar trebui sa sustina?

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Am fost la smsiasi

Care sunt ingredientele unui eveniment de succes?
Eu zic ca dincolo de calitatea speakerilor, tre' sa fie si un public interesat, care sa puna intrebari, mai ales incomode, sa starneasca conversatia.
Smsiasi a avut toate astea! A fost cel mai bun eveniment de social media/business organizat in Iasi in ultimii 5 ani.
Prezenta masiva formata din bloggeri, oamenii de business, specialisti in social media, antreprenori a facut ca Iasul sa fie, vineri 4 martie, in centrul atentiei in .ro.
Ma bucur ca am avut ocazia sa particip, atat in calitate de speaker cat si sa-i urmaresc pe ceilalti colegi invitati. Am reintalnit oameni dragi pe care nu-i mai vazusem de la inceputurile blogosferei romanesti, am cunoscut altii noi. De la toti am invatat cate ceva si le sunt recunoscator ca si-au facut timp sa ne impartasesca din expierenta lor.

Sunt convins ca smsiasi va fi punctul de referinta pentru o coagulare a social media locale, astfel incat sa reusim sa crestem businessul in zona asta.
Multumesc Biz ca ati venit la Iasi. Va mai asteptam!

Gasiti fotografii la Bogdan Todireanu, la Marius Sescu, la Piticu si pe la altii participanti la eveniment.
De asemenea, puteti citi cum a fost aici, aici, aici, aici, aici si aici. Si in alte multe locuri.

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Diesel Island, land of stupid and home of the brave

What would it be like to start a nation from scratch?
To take what is great from the countries we know and ditch what is bad.
To re-write the laws.
To right social wrongs.
A country for only the brave.

Check out this set from the "Stupid" campaign. Nice development of the initial idea.

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EF - Traieste limba!

O stiu din experienta. O limba straina o inveti cel mai bine la ea acasa. Reclamele astea se bazeaza pe acest insight.

Privindu-le, te inspira sa calatoresti, sa mergi sa vezi locurile alea, sa-ti faci noi prieteni, sa experimentezi culturile respective la ele acasa. Sa te indragostesti de un oras, de o noua viata. 
Reclame tipografice absolut uimitoare care te iti arata sa traiesti limba!

Si inca ceva. Sunt filmate cu Canon 5d Mark II. Impresionant!

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The Psychology of Color

One of the most fascinating and overlooked elements web designers tend to overlook is the influence of color on their website visitors. While a color palette may look visually pleasing, is it psychologically pleasing? When you go to design your next website pay special attention to your color choices and what they actually mean.

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Brand Strategy

For everyone to understand what is brand strategy watch and learn.

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Observ din ce in ce mai multa aplecare spre antreprenoriat, fie din partea guvernului, fie initiative private finantate din fonduri europene.
O asemenea oportunitate este "ANTREPRENORIADA - training pentru lansare şi dezvoltare în afaceri”, un proiect finantat din fonduri UE care se adreseaza persoanelor care doresc să porneasca o afacere si întreprinzătorilor actuali, dornici de a-şi dezvolta competenţele necesare creşterii eficienţei organizaţionale.

Proiectul este implementat de Edurom, în vederea generării de noi afaceri şi creştere a celor existente.

Pe parcursul celor 28 de luni vor avea loc în oraşele Iaşi, Bucureşti, Piatra Neamţ, Galaţi, Braşov, Ploieşti, Constanţa, Suceava şi Bacău conferinţe de informare în vederea încurajării antreprenoriatului precum şi două programe de formare şi dezvoltare în antreprenoriat.
Inscrierile la aceste conferinţe şi programe de formare se vor realiza prin intermediul unui portal dedicat,

Scopul final al proiectului este ca 135 de persoane să îşi definească în scris un plan de afaceri pe care să îl implementeze ulterior în piaţa din România. Planurile de afaceri vor fi jurizate iar cele mai viabile idei vor fi susţinute financiar în etapele iniţiale.

Ai idei de afaceri, vrei sa-ti schimbi viata si sa fii propriul stapan?
Inscrie-te acum!

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HP TouchPad

HP has just announced its entrant to the quickly crowding tablet market: the TouchPad. Built on Palm's WebOS, it's one of the few new tablets to not run Android.

The 9.7-inch tablet is due to be released this summer, coming loaded with a 1.2GHz dual-core Snapdragon processor, on-board gyroscope, accelerometer, compass and either 16GB or 32GB of on board storage. You get a front-facing camera, too. The first version will be Wi-Fi only, but look for both 3G and 4G models to come rolling out before too long.

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Mobile News

Google announced that mobile search queries had grown 400% y/y and Android queries had grown 10x. In the earnings call, Google pointed to mobile as the key growth area for 2011 with particular initiatives for mobile payments, inexpensive handsets, and faster mobile networks.

Opera Mini grew to 86M users in 2010, up 84% y/y. The company is seeing 4000%+ growth in Africa.

Starbucks launched a mobile loyalty and payment application to customers last week. 20% of Starbucks transactions are made with a Starbucks card and one third of customers have a smart phone, compared to 18% for the US. 

Scoreloop announces 1M new users per week are registering with the service, an indicator of the massive growth in mobile gaming.

Blackberry announces 2M daily downloads of mobile apps from BlackBerry app world. Over the past 8 months, Apple has averaged 24M.

HTC announces $9.4B in revenue (+90%) and net income of $1.4B (+75%). The company shipped 25M phones (+110%) in 2010.

Sony announced 43.1M phones (-24% y/y) shipped in 2010

Microsoft has partnered with MACH to bring billing to Windows 7 Phones.

Groupon has launched a mobile couponing portal for KDDI, Japan's second largest carrier.

Verizon is suing the FCC to reject the net neutrality regulations the commission enacted 2 months ago on the grounds the commission does not have the jurisdiction. Under the order, carriers are prevented from blocking VOIP competitors.

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The Power of Fans! Greatest BMW AD in History

Above is a video put together by the son of a motorcycle owner. It is the greatest brand-building commercial of all time and BMW should buy rights to it immediately and show it all over the world forever.

The story behind the video is bellow.

This is a photo story of my father's 1958 BMW R50:
Boy meets girl, gets married, buys motorcycle. Rides it for 60,000 miles and has accident when wife is pregnant with 3rd child. (me) Wife orders motorcycle to be taken off road until all her children are grown and on their own. One day when bike is moved to a different storage location, son sits on bike and dreams of being a Jedi Master like his father. Couple grows old together and bike is not ridden for 40 years. Husband is now a grandfather of 7 and married for 50 years, when he dies of a stroke at age 71.
Son looks over the old rotting machine and finds note attached to it from his father to him. Son decides to restore the old 1958 BMW R-50 as a tribute to his father. With the help of many friends, especially Peter Nettesheim, world renowned BMW collector, bike is restored to look even better than it did when it was built in Germany.

I don't believe one can find something similarly moving about a brand.

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Autovot 2011

Ma alatur si eu initiativei lui Mircea care a initiat un premiu al bloggerilor din Romania. Mai exact, bloggerii isi vor putea masina favorita dupa doua criterii, desing si raport calitate/pret. La fiecare categorie poti nominaliza 3 masini.

Si acum optiunile mele:

1.BMW seria 5
2. Audi A7
3. Mini Countryman

1.Volksvagen Passat
2. BMW seria 5
3. Mini Countryman

Chiar daca nu sunteti bloggeri puteti alege masina anului in Autovot 2011. Intrati pe Facebook, in pagina aplicatiei, unde va puteti exprima voturile in ce priveste masina anului.

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Gala Reducerilor miniPrix pentru judetele Iasi, Prahova, Bacau

Veste buna pentru cei impatimiti de shopping la preturi corecte!

Weekendul acesta, pe 22 si 23 ianuarie, Gala Reducerilor online miniPRIX trece prin judetele Iasi, Prahova si Bacau. Toti cumparatorii din aceste judete vor plati cu 30% mai putin pentru orice comanda facuta in aceasta perioada din magazinul online

Oferta este asadar valabila pentru toate comenzile online plasate in magazinul online miniPRIX in zilele 22-23 ianuarie 2010, pentru adrese de livrare din judetetele Iasi, Prahova si Bacau.

Nu rata!

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Sms Iasi - Social Media Summit

Tocmai ce am fost invitat sa particip ca speaker la BIZ Social Media Summit, editia a III a, care va avea loc la Iasi pe 4 martie, la Hotel Unirea.
Este cel mai mare eveniment regional despre influenta online, networking si strategii de marketing prin social media. Social Media Summit este cel de-al treilea dintr-o serie de evenimente organizata de revista Biz care duce influenceri de top si specialisti in social media la nivel local, intr-o intalnire directa cu comunitatile regionale online si de business.
Participa o multime de speakeri interesani care nu trebuiesc ratati. Va recomand cu caldura sa participati pentru a afla cum putei folosi media sociale pentru a comunica eficient.

Revin cu tema despre care voi povesti acolo.

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My Plans for 2011

to turn fear into excitement
to turn worry into wonder
to turn expectation into anticipation
to turn disappointment into detachment
to turn enragement into engagement
to turn judgment into observation

Happy New Year!

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Dan Pink despre surprinzătoarea ştiinţă a motivării

Dan Pink examinează enigma motivării, pornind de la un fapt cunoscut de specialiştii în ştiinţe sociale, dar necunoscut de majoritatea managerilor: recompensele tradiţionale nu sunt întotdeauna aşa de eficiente cum credem. Ascultaţi poveşti edificatoare -- şi poate, o cale de urmat.

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