It's Invigorating!

I've first discovered Fisherman's Friend back in '94, when I was working in Germany. I instantly fell in love with the invigorating qualities of the small lozenges. It'll wake you up! i know it always works for me.
Unfortunately, I can't find them in Romania so I kinda miss the little wonders.
Check out the new ad for the extra strong Fisherman's Friend.

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3 Responses to It's Invigorating!

Unknown spunea...

Nice, dar cam previzibil. E o chestie pe care au mai folosit-o si in alte campanii. Un insight bunicel dar cam old de-acuma. Oricum, vorba ta, pacat ca nu sunt si in Romanica. :)

Claudiu spunea...

E in spiritul brand-ului Adi. Asa comunica de cand ii stiu. Adevarat ca sau mai vazut, dar ei asa comunicau si atunci cand eu am intrat in contact cu "prietenul pescarului" ;)

Unknown spunea...

Acum ceva timp (2 ani) se gaseau in statiile Petrom. Stiu pentru ca am cumparat si eu--sunt mai ok decat Altoids.

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