Who says that men are not happy to read?

The text reads in German: "Wer sagt, dass männer nicht gerne lesen ?"
I guess we men are always positive in reading females :D I'm sure we do not understand them. We should probably just love'em.

Client: Playboy
Agency: Philipp & Keuntje GmbH, Hamburg
Copywriter: Heiko Notter
Art Director: Holger Lindhardt / Oliver Brkitsch

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4 Responses to Who says that men are not happy to read?

Anonim spunea...

foarte frumoasa executia.
o idee asemanatoare am avut si eu acum ceva timp.
Desigur nu e acelasi nivel... dar ce crezi?

Claudiu spunea...

Braco! Si ideea ta este buna. Imi place gandirea din spatele executiei iar solutia vizuala ajuta la perceperea mesajului.

Anonim spunea...

multumesc pt parere.

Anonim spunea...

am mai gasit ceva asemanator pentru radio Guerrila.

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