Consumer-based brand equity goes far beyond just the trigger communication. It comprises the long-term market benefits for the company from customer satisfaction and brand loyalty, caused by positive brand imprinting of customers. The latter is achieved through the net effect of a brand-conscious marketing strategy, product/service usage and word-of-mouth effects. Advertising is but one part of the whole process.
From the consumer perspective, the three fundamental building blocks for building brand equity are a) brand/name awareness, b) perceived product quality image, and c) perceived "extended brand image".
Awareness is necessary as a base for good brand management, because without awareness, the two - holistically perceived - image components can otherwise not be "hooked in". As a cardinal rule, it is important that both the perceived product/service quality image and the perceived extended images are distinctive - and synergistic! A not very distinctive commodity-quality-like product (or service) is difficult to brand. A brilliant luxury-quality product with a weak "extended image" is equally difficult to market.

A sparking curious mind, who dares to struggle in order to win. Views my own, unless stated otherwise.
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2 Responses to Brand Equity and Brand Loyalty
pfff, the world is so small. Your blog was recommanded to me by Google Reader "Discover" widget based on my favourite news selection. I've found it quite interesting but when I saw "Claudihno" as publisher, imagine! :)
Hai noroc, e foarte frumos ce scrii aci!
ma bucur ca-ti place ce scriu. sper sa fiu interesant in continuare ca sa ai ce citi ;)
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