Planning: Firefox Flicks

Grand Prize Firefox Flicks
"Daredevil" by Pete Macomber

"Daredevil," will be short-listed for the NY Festival of Advertising's 2006 International Advertising Awards in May, and the finalists' Firefox videos will be incorporated into Mozilla's 2006 marketing activities.

Another great example of getting your core users involved in the construction of the brand.

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On Planners

"We believe in smart people. And we believe that planners are among the most brilliant people in advertising. Do we think great advertising can be created in the absence of a planning department? Absolutely. But we'd be fools not to work alongside people who can find a method in our madness. And bigger fools not to work alongside people who can inspire us."

Jamie Barrett, Creative Director, Goodby, Silverstein & Partners

via The Hidden Persuader

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Et cetera

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade
When life gives you limes, make caipirinha

Reteta o gasiti aici: Food Network

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Advertising: Smoke on the water

Agentie: DDB Sydney, Australia
Client: Air Guitar Competition
Expus in pub-urile care gazduiau competitia de "air guitar"

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Et cetera

De la Elvis catre marketeri

"A little less conversation, a little more action please.
All this aggravation ain't satisfactioning me.
A little more bite and a little less bark.
A little less fight and a little more spark.
Close your mouth and open up your heart and baby satisfy me.
Satisfy me baby."

Destul de clar, nu?

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Advertising: 10 things I have learned

1. You can only work for people that you like.
2. If you have a choice never have a job.
3. Some people are toxic, avoid them.
4. Professionalism is not enough or the good is the enemy of the great.
5. Less is not necessarily more.
6. Style is not to be trusted.
7. How you live changes your brain.
8. Doubt is better than certainty.
9. Solving the problem is more important than being right.
10. Tell the truth.

mai in detaliu la Milton Glaser

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Stop dreaming!

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Branding: Branzas & Interbrand

Branzas si Interbrand devin parteneri exclusivi in Romania.

"Pentru clienţii Branzas şi România în general, acesta înseamnă acces la
instrumentele originale Interbrand, ca Brand Valuation sau Brand Platform.
Clienţii Interbrand, pe de altă parte, vor beneficia de cunoaştere aprofundată
a pieţei şi experienţă locală, precum şi de prezenţa unei echipe recunoscute la faţa locului."

Dupa asocierea dintre Brandient si Entreprise IG, este a doua miscare
importanta in branding'ul romanesc.

Urmeaza Grapefruit?!

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Planning: Genworld

Energy/BBDO a realizat un excelent raport despre tenditele si preferintele
tineretului vizavi de brand-uri la nivel global.

Scris de Chip Walker, Planning Director, raportul poate fi descarcat de la


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Noul New York Times

The NewYork Times are un nou site. Nu este o schimbare dramatica, dar are o sectiune speciala de video si , ce imi place cel mai mult, o sectiune "most popular" care include cele mai trimise, cele mai blog'ate si cele mai cautate articole.

"Some of the changes and new features you’ll see are a refreshed look, streamlined navigation, expanded use of video and other multimedia and better ways to see what other readers are looking at, searching for and talking about."

In plus, NYT experimenteaza cu link'uri catre blog post'uri, direct din articole.

Cred ca asta va fi viitorul media traditionale

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Slow Food

Excelent insight despre frustrarile advertiser'ilor vizavi de ce primesc de la agentii.
Selectii din discursul tinut de John Stratton CMO (Chief Marketing Officer) Verizon la o conferinta organizata de Ad Age in februarie.

"Your clients are absolutely in trouble and they are looking for you to save them."

"What you've been selling for the last 50 years no longer works."

"Major marketing money is going to be in motion in the next decade and no one really yet understands exactly where it will land, if it even will land, or if it will just disappear altogether."

"Before they figure out where to put their money, your marketer clients will hire and fire agency after agency, seeking someone, anyone, who can tell them where they might go next."

"CMO average tenure, already famously brief, will get even shorter as CEOs begin to recognize how much money they are blowing on antiquated media plans."

"Your marketer clients are really seeking one thing and one thing only: an audience for the message they are trying to convey to the market place."

"But your clients actually need more than just an audience. One of the consequences of the evolution of our media-delivery systems over the last 10 years is that the audience you do ultimately find is much less receptive to the message you're trying to send. They are absolutely armed and ready to get to the content they want while avoiding the message you are trying to implant within it."

"They need much more than an audience. They need an audience that cares about what they have to say. They need their message to be relevant to the audience they are saying it to."

Seamana cu peisajul romanesc?

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