The Sexiest Music Video Around

This has to be the sexiest music video around! Shot in classic black and white, fashion photographer Victor Del Toro follows around a beautiful model who can't decide whether or not to keep her clothes on. Song is "Say It Ain’t So" by Weezer.
Personally,I would have loved more storyline, but is hot enough as it is.


New decade

At the beginning of the new decade I'm going to do any prediction about anything, because the thing is, one can't predict a thing. And that's fine.
I'm not going to make any list of future trends to watch or any gadgets that will make our lives better.
I'm just going to encourage you to live, as you please and enjoy it.



The Morgan Freeman Chain of Command

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With an authoritative voice, and calm demeanour, this ever popular African American actor has grown into one of the most respected figures in modern US cinema.

Originated from, this chart is depicting the hierarchical ranking of characters Morgan Freeman has played throughout his illustrious career.
Great stuff, Maxim!

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Ten ways to kill creativity

  1. Always pretend to know more than everybody around you.

  2. Get employees to fill in time sheets.

  3. Run daily checks on progress of everyone's work.

  4. Ensure that highly qualified people do mundane work for long periods.

  5. Put barriers up between departments.

  6. Don't speak personally to employees, except when announcing increased targets, shortened deadlines and tightened cost restraints.

  7. Ask for a 200-page document to justify every new idea.

  8. Call lots of meetings.

  9. Place the biggest emphasis on the budget.

  10. Buy lots of computers.

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The only way is forward

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"Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be cumbered with your old nonsense." - Ralph Waldo Emerson


Tweets on a Watch

Twitter on a Fossil Bluetooth Watch!
From Bill Geiser, VP Fossil watch Technology

Bulky, though interesting.

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Oxford Street Fla(e)sh Walk

For designer clothes at discounts that you would walk across Oxford Street naked for, check out BrandAlley now.
The online fashion retailer, BrandAlley, held an impromptu fashion show on November 20th on one of the most fashionable streets in the UK. The models wore nothing but a whole bunch of body paint.

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Creative Review - UNKLE's Heavy Drug video

Director Matei-Alexandru Mocanu has won's competition to make the official music video for the latest UNKLE track, Heavy Drug. Congratulations to Matei! Well deserved.

Creative Review - UNKLE's Heavy Drug video

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Agency of the future

I found this interesting quote today:

The seamless life of agency can be reflected in the way we organize ourselves into flexible and versatile teams and collaboration across different disciplines is the key., Social Hallucinations, Nov 2009

You should read the whole article.

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Agencies in Romania

Winning industry awards is sometimes the primary concern of the agency’s creative staff, and because of this, clients often accuse agencies of ignoring their needs in favor of creating work that appeals to judges who sit on awards panels, usually fellow practitioners.

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