"Adopt an NGO" is an initiative of the Civil Society Gala the only Romanian event that pays homage to all civic initiatives, large or small, that are making our society better and healthier.
So I've been invited, along with other bloggers, to adopt an NGO, thus showing my support to it's activities and efforts. I decided to adopt "Save the Children". One of my best friends works for this organization so I'm quiet familiar with their programs. Basically, "Save the Children" fights for children's rights. They deliver immediate and lasting improvements to children's lives, not only in Romania, but worldwide.
Save the Children Romania is guided by the fundamental values expressed in the UN Declaration on Human Rights and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and is founded on the conviction that:
All children and adults are of equal value
Children have special rights
All children have a right to life and development
No child should be discriminated against
All children have a right to be heard
The Child’s best interests should be a guide
I'm particularly proud of their "
CENTRE FOR THE PROTECTION OF THE CHILD VICTIM OF VIOLENCE". The project aims at creating and implementing an alternative system of services, which should ensure the intervention and protection of the child victim of violence. The multidisciplinary team of the Center, made up of doctors, psychologists, social assistants and psychiatrists offers the following services:
protection for the child and the protecting parent (housing and food for maximum 30 days);
therapy, treatment, rehabilitation and specialized ambulatory or residential assistance;
legal counseling;
training the specialists for working with children victims of violence and their families;
offering information and informative materials to the persons working with the children, to parents and children;
prevention program in high schools, schools and kindergartens.
So if any of you is interested in this initiative and want to adopt an NGO, please visit "
Adopt an NGO" blog.