O viata poate depinde de tine!

Campania “O viata poate depinde de tine”, realizata Asociatia React, a pornit de la o serie de statistici alarmante cum ar fi:
- 3 din 4 apeluri la 112 sunt false urgente: 73% din totalul apelurilor inregistrate in perioada ianuarie-august 2011 sunt, practic, apeluri facute in joaca sau accidental de catre cei care suna, doar 27% sunt apeluri reale;
- La nivel national, judetul Covasna este judetul care a inregistrat cel mai mare numarul de apeluri false (in aceeasi perioada monitorizata de catre Serviciul de Telecomunicatii Speciale) - 86,86% apeluri abuzive. In Bucuresti, 1 din 2 apeluri sunt false (procentul apelurilor abuzive se ridica la 55,6%);
- La serviciul de urgenta 112, se inregistreaza peste 2000 apeluri/ ora; 60% din totalul apelurilor reale solicita interventia echipajelor medicale de urgenta;
- Orice apel fals inregistrat la 112 poate intarzia sau chiar determina moartea unei persoane care are nevoie reala de ajutor: in 2010, s-au inregistrat 8477 de victime grav ranite in accidente de masina (23 de oameni raniti grav/ zi)
- In ceea ce priveste masurile de prim ajutor, acestea “pot face diferenta intre viata si moarte”: dureaza 3 minute ca o persoana aflata in stop respirator sa moara, 5 minute pana la sosirea ambulantei si mai putin de 1 minut pana la deschiderea cailor aeriene printr-o manevra de prim ajutor.

Materialele de promovare, inclusiv spoturile si site-ul, au fost asigurate de Vodafone, iar televiziunile vor acorda spatiu gratuit.

Te rog sa sustii campania care lupta impotriva abuzurilor. Cred sincer ca daca multi bloggeri preiau campania, avem sansa sa atingem cu mesajul cat mai multi oameni si chiar sa schimbam ceva. A fost anuntata astazi dimineata de cel care ne-a dat SMURD, Raed Arafat, un om care merita - cred eu - tot respectul si admiratia.

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Prietenul Manafu imi semnaleaza aparitia unui tool extrem de interesant si de util pentru boggeri si blogosfera.
Este o carte de vizita online ce cuprinde informatii relevante pentru cei ce deruleaza campanii in blogosfera.
Proiectul, sampler.ro, a fost pus in practica de Dragos (Haotik.ro) si este in Beta acum. Se pare ca functioneaza!

Ideea este crearea unei obisnuinte pentru bloggeri de a se prezenta pe limba oamenilor de marketing si comunicare, cu cifrele relevante, si sa ofere companiilor acele date pe care nu stiu unde sa le caute adesea. E o situatie win-win.

Sampler.ro include pe de o parte informatii statice (introduse manual) si informatii dinamice (preluate automat) pentru a oferi un profil cat mai actualizat.

Ce parere aveti? Credeti ca o sa-l folositi?

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Schimba lumea in doar 5 minute. In fiecare zi

Pot nistte copii de clasa primara sa schimbe lumea in doar 5 minute?
Video-ul de mai sus demonstreaza cum pe parcursul unei saptamanii le ia doar 5 minute unor copii sa aiba un impact pozitiv asupra lumii.
De la reciclare, la plantarea de fructe si legume, pina la a spune glume :)

Ar trebui sa ne educam copii inca din frageda pruncie sa invete sa-si puna o amprenta pozitiva asupra lumii in care traiesc.
Excelenta initiativa!

Gasiti mai multe aici

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The story about us people and our consumptions

We are persuaded to
Spend money we don’t have
On things we don’t need
To create impressions that doesn’t last
On people we don’t care about

from here

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Licitatie de....barbati!

Cred ca deja ati auzit de Belva. Multe dintre voi le cititi zilnic, daca nu o facei, ar trebui!

Ei bine, Belvele implinesc 1 an de exisenta. La cat mai multi si buni, fetelor!
Cu acesta ocazie organizeaza un eveniment foarte interesant. O licitatie de barbati in scopuri caritabile.
Cand am fost invitat de Andreea sa ma "ofer" spre licitatie, am fos mai mult decat bucuros. 

Sunt convins ca ne vom distra si vom face si bine in acelasi timp. O avertizez pe cea care ma va castiga ca va avea de muncit pentru a-si justifica achizitia :) 
Ne vedem pe 6 septembrie! Pregaiti banii, fetelor!

Sati cu ochii pe Belva pentru detalii.

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Ad Chat

Today, I appeared in Adland's "Ad Chat" series.

Here is a small part of it:

If you could meet with anyone in history (dead or alive), who would it be and why?
Mikhail Baryshnikov. I would love to spend some time talking with him about emotions, dance, art, humanity, happiness. “Dance as though no one is watching you. Love as though you have never been hurt before. Sing as though no one can hear you. Live as though heaven is on earth.”

You can read the whole bit here

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Flights of Genius

Ogilvy & Mather New York and Joshua Liner Gallery unveil a series of commissioned murals by celebrated artist Stephen Powers that reinterpret the words and quotes of agency founder David Ogilvy.

Power’s bold graphic style, reminiscent of vintage advertising illustrations puts a unique emphasis on famous Ogilvy sayings and transforms them into actionable words designed to inspire the viewer. Painted in bright colors on the North stairwell of the agency’s headquarters office, the murals run from the first to the 11th floor of the office building.

The murals are being unveiled to coincide with the 100th birthday of David Ogilvy, one of the most influential and important figures in modern advertising. Awesome!

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"Echipa Castigatoare" la Blog Olympics

Ieri la Blog Olympics am invatat/predat o lectie de naming foarte utila!
Cum spune vorba latina "Nomen est omen", adica numele este un semn prevestitor, a castigat echipa cu numele "Echipa Castigatoare", a carui mandru membru am fost :)
Echipa de pe ultimul loc a purtat numele predestinat "Echipa fara nume". Bine, toata lumea a castigat cate ceva, dar ramane lectia.
Aveti grija, in general, cum va alegeti numele! Conteaza!

Multumesc Alex pentru ca m-a selectionat in echipa a carui capitan a fost. Multumesc colegilor din echipa: Ducu, Remus, Gabi, Manu (golgeterul turneului), Cezar, Crina, Ioana D si Ioana.
Ne-am distrat in ciuda atmosferei fierbinti provocate de un soare dogoritor. La gratarul de dupa, aratam toti ca niste tractoristi veniti de la arat :))

Felicitari organizatorilor: inoras.ro, Dechatlon. Great job, Mono and the rest of the bunch!
Asteptam si editiile din celalte orase pentru a castiga finala nationala :)

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Blog Olympics

Particip la Blog Olympics! In "Echipa Castigatoare" a lui Alex. Nu puteam fi decat intr-o echipa castigatoare.
Ramane sa o mai demonstram si in teren.

Blog Olympics – Eveniment sportiv adresat comunităţii bloggerilor ieşeni – 10 iulie 2011 – organizat de InOras.ro & Decathlon Iasi.

Adica Duminica 10 iulie facem sport: fotbal si baschet. Evenimentul e adresa bloggerilor in special, dar nu numai. Blog Opympics promoveaza ideea de a face sport dar si de distractie in aer liber in acelasi timp. Se doreste ca acest eveniment sa aiba loc in mod periodic, in diverse combinatii de sporturi si jocuri distractive.

- Inscrierile se fac pana pe 7 iulie, pe blogurile capinatilor de echipa Negru, Cipoc, Somnulescu si Stefan.
- Locatia desfasurarii evenimentului: Era Shopping Park in incinta bazei sportive a Decathlon Iasi.
- Data: evenimentului Blog Olympics va fi in data de 10 iulie 2011
- Mai multe pe pagina de Facebook a evenimentului

Hai la joaca!

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How Marketers Are Using Social Media

- Marketers place high value on social media: A significant 90% of marketers indicate that social media is important for their business.

- Measurement and integration are top areas marketers want to master: Onethird of all social media marketers want to know how to monitor and measure the return on investment (ROI) of social media and integrate their social media activities.

- Social media marketing takes a lot of time: The majority of marketers (58%) are using social media for 6 hours or more each week, and more than a third (34%) invest 11 or more hours weekly.

- Video marketing on the rise: A significant 77% of marketers plan on increasing their use of YouTube and video marketing, making it the top area marketers will invest in for 2011.

- Marketers seek to learn more about Facebook and blogging: 70% of marketers want to learn more about Facebook and 69% want to learn more about blogging.

- The top benefits of social media marketing: The number-one advantage of social media marketing (by a long shot) is generating more business exposure, as indicated by 88% of marketers. Increased traffic (72%) and improved search rankings (62%) were also major advantages.

- The top social media tools: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and blogs were the top four social media tools used by marketers, in that order. Facebook has eclipsed Twitter to take the top spot since our 2010 study.
- Social media outsourcing underutilized: Only 28% of businesses are outsourcing some portion of their social media marketing.

You can find more interesting findings on the report the can be downloaded from here

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This new infographic from CMO.com may be helpful for you to pass along to your boss and help explain the value of the various social media platforms out there.

What do you think of the infographic? Any platforms or tools you don’t see on here that you would include?

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Why planners and creatives should become best friends

Very useful presentation about why planners and creative should become best friends. They are complementary and this presentation ilustrate very well with videos and nice graphics. Enjoy!

View more presentations from Boondoggle

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Statistics Poetry


by Wislawa Szymborska
(translated from the Polish by Joanna Trzeciak)

Out of every hundred people,
those who always know better:

Unsure of every step:
almost all the rest.

Ready to help,
if it doesn't take long:

Always good,
because they cannot be otherwise:
four -- well, maybe five.

Able to admire without envy:

Led to error
by youth (which passes):
sixty, plus or minus.

Those not to be messed with:

Living in constant fear
of someone or something:

Capable of happiness:
twenty-some-odd at most.

Harmless alone,
turning savage in crowds:
more than half, for sure.

when forced by circumstances:
it's better not to know,
not even approximately.

Wise in hindsight:
not many more
than wise in foresight.

Getting nothing out of life except things:
(though I would like to be wrong).

Balled up in pain
and without a flashlight in the dark:
eighty-three, sooner or later.

Those who are just:
quite a few, thirty-five.

But if it takes effort to understand:

Worthy of empathy:

one hundred out of one hundred --
a figure that has never varied yet.

Wislawa Szymborska won the 1996 Nobel Prize for literature. Her most recent book in English is View With a Grain of Sand (1995). She lives in Krakow, Poland.

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