
This is a spoof after the well known "Budweiser - Wassss up" commercial. It was shot yesterday by my former mates from Rofilco. They also did the editing. The actors in the video are friends of ours. I'm also playing in it ;) Can you take a wild guess? ;))

I think that it came pretty good. It is in Romanian, so sorry guys, if you don't understand. I hope you get it.

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11 Responses to Indubitabil!

Felipov spunea...

I see who you are.
Great job guys.

Claudiu spunea...

Thanks Oana. We've had a tone of fun making it! ;)

Felipov spunea...

I reckon it was.

I spunea...

looks like u're also good at PR. or good enough that PR just works itself out. Your spoof's a hot news. check it up!

I spunea...

oh, and may I add my "true" in sweet Moldavian? oops, just made it a company salute!

Claudiu spunea...

Thanks I. We've seen that we've made it to tha hotnews home page! Things are not in our hands anymore. Once we've uploaded the clip to youtube, things just start spinning. And people just started talking about it, linking it, sending it. It became viral, although it wasn't made with that (viral) in mind.

the gavrilescu spunea...

Ba da, a fost conceputa ca un viral dupa regulamentul concursului Grand Spoof de pe IQ ADS pentru care a fost creata si trimisa din start la foarte multe persoane care asigura trafic de viral pentru a circula.

Claudiu spunea...

Oh da? Nu am stiu asta! Cu atat mai bine :)

the gavrilescu spunea...

pai da, rupieeeeee locuuu:)))))))))))))))indubitabil

Felipov spunea...

aaa...daca a fost conceputa ca virallll...atunci nu-mi mai place.
Foarte tare, mai ales ca e greu sa faci un viral.viral.viral viral pii buni..
Brava uei.

Anonim spunea...

minunatie, nu m-am putut abtine sa nu o postez si io. bravoo

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